Emergency 0141 332 3212
Out of hours 0141 332 3212
Cathkin Surgery 0141 634 3183
Clarkston Toll Surgery 0141 638 1606
East Kilbride Surgery 01355 222791
Shedden Surgery 0141 644 4860

Cat Protection Neutering Vouchers

Cats Protection offer a £5 neutering scheme for cat owners who are on a limited income of less than £15,000 per year, a full time student or on government benefits.


Neutering is the only effective way we have of restricting the number of unplanned kittens being born and becoming the unwanted cats of tomorrow. Cats Protection offer a £5 neutering scheme for cat owners who are on a limited income of less than £15,000 per year, a full time student or receive government benefits (e.g Housing Benefits, Income Support, Council Tax Benefit, State Pension). To qualify for the scheme you must be able to provide proof of address and benefit.

Click here to find out more.

Apply here